Mindful Tea by Cuppa Kindness®

What’s Cuppa Kindness®? About Us.

Hello and welcome to Cuppa Kindness®, it’s so lovely to have you here!

I’m Kitty and I am on a mission to spread kindness like confetti and help as many people as possible access small, yet impactful moments of mindfulness and self care every day. I founded Cuppa Kindness in 2020, and I’ve been tinkering away with prototypes ever since. I am super close to launching the Cuppa Kindness® Mindful Tea and Self Care gift boxes.

I’m a Yorkshire lass, and love nothing more than a good cup of tea and a chat. In the past couple of years I’ve been on quite the journey through big life events, career plot twists and a big dollop of learning about my own wellbeing and self care.

Cuppa Kindness® is creating a kindness-led community and providing accessible resources to anyone who wants to be kinder to themselves and create more of a self care routine. Our packages can also be sent to a friend who might be having a tough time and be in need of a virtual hug, or just to let someone know you care – everyone loves a bit of happy post.

The best bit? All of the resources will be actionable within the time it takes to have a cup of tea, which comes in the pack. Yay!

As you read this I am beavering away to get the Cuppa Kindness® packages ready to launch this Summer on our online shop page (eek)! In the meantime, I want to get to know you all and share the journey of setting up my dream business. New blog posts will be added soon, and for splashes of sparkle in between blogs, follow @cuppa.kindness on Instagram for good vibes and moments of self care and compassion.

If you’d like to and be the first to know when new things are brewing, you can join our kindness community and subscribe to the Cuppa Kindness® Monthly ‘Grab a Cuppa’ Newsletter (form below) for exclusive updates and pre-launch exclusives.

We are getting so close to launching, so thanks for bearing with us. Please do get in touch with any questions or contact me via Instagram, I can’t wait to meet you all 🙂